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Words For Change Podcast
April 9, 2024

Ep.67 Faith, Family, and Purpose #faith #podcast

Ep.67 Faith, Family, and Purpose #faith #podcast

In today's heartfelt discussion, I unveil the journey that led me from delivering sermons to the birth of my very first podcast. Throughout this candid conversation, I share the intimacies of my endeavors in podcasting as an extension of ministry, revealing the behind-the-scenes intricacies of crafting messages that resonate and the sacrifices made in the quiet hours of creating content. Join me as we explore the profound impact of personal evolution and the enduring power of faith in motion.
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00:00 - Finding Balance in Content Creation

04:10 - Balancing Calling and Responsibilities

16:43 - Balancing Ministry and Family Responsibilities

25:21 - Balancing Work, Family, and Calling

33:55 - Words for Change


00:00:00.180 --> 00:00:01.669
It's impossible to not have dreams.

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See, that's not how dreams work.

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Let me tell you something about dreams.

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I believe that you were born with dreams that are preset inside of you and that those dreams are deeply personal to you.

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Well, hello, girls who Change podcast.

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This is Lionel, your host.

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Today, I want to dive into a topic that is close to home for me.

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It's close to home for me and possibly for many of us, and so I'm calling this episode Balance Between Faith, family and Fulfillment in Content Creation, and I want to explore the tightrope between answering a divine calling that you feel comes from God to create inspired content, versus fulfilling your responsibilities to your family and to your job.

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For many of us, content creation is just a hobby, but then there's those of us for whom content creation is actually a calling, and it's a way that we spread the word of God.

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It's a way that we spread our wisdom to the world.

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It's a way that we you know a world that solely needs what we have to offer.

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But when you have a family to care for, when you have a job or other responsibilities that you are accountable for, there's only 24 hours in a day and that calling can often feel like it's it's on the back burner, and so I like to start off by sharing a bit of my own story here.

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Um, I like to start off by sharing a bit of my own story here.

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A few years ago this was actually doing covid I was preaching to a group of people it was a fairly small, intimate group of people and after preaching the sermon, um, I had done this sermon for, or been preaching the services of Sunday service in a, in an area that had minimal people had access to this environment.

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So, if you can think, this is near the waterfront, there's, there's not a lot of activity going on.

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Because this, because it's a secure environment, secure environment and here I am teaching and preaching the Bible to people who were in those situations for weeks on end, and I remember it was such a good sermon meaning not because I had preached a sermon, but it was a good sermon because it resonated with the people and I could see it in their eyes.

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And then the prayer request that came after that was evidence to me that that sermon was effective, that it reached home and touched the hearts of those listening.

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And so I remember walking away and as my assistant was packing up all the materials for the service, all the sacraments and robes and podium.

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I remember walking out of the door of that building.

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I thought to myself and I felt this deep like calling, like no, there's someone else that needs to hear this.

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And I remember thinking to myself as we drove away.

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And I remember peering off, looking out of the window of the car and passenger side window, and I remember thinking to myself there's somebody else needs to hear this, there's someone else that needs to hear this.

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And so the thought came to me was why don't you just do a podcast?

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And at that time I didn't really understand podcasting at all.

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I consume podcasts, like many of you do, so I knew about podcasts, but I had no clue about podcasting.

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Mind you, over 20 years ago, when I do an undergrad, I was a part of a drama and musical team that traveled the United States and, outside of doing a week of meetings on the weekend, whenever we arrived at a city, then I would preach at a church on that Sunday morning.

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Sometimes it would be two and three services on one day, and some of those opportunities came through speaking on the radio.

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And so I remembered I was always enamored by podcasting or radio personalities.

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In my day it was called radio personalities because podcasting wasn't a thing, 20 some years ago.

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So it was, you know, speaking on the radio and I just loved it.

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I loved having on the microphone of speaking into the microphone.

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I loved having it on the microphone, I was speaking into the microphone.

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I thought it was great that the potential of thousands of people listening to you that you never had a clue of At least me as the guest personality for those radio interviews.

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I had no clue how many people would listen to this.

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And so the radio host, we used to say, hey, we have a, we have an audience of four million people, or in this barrel you know three barrels or in this, this radio station covers this range of people.

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So it was always a great opportunity to to preach the word of god, to speak the truth of God in a way that impacted people's lives and changed community and caused communal change, and for me, communal change meant changing people's behavior, being able to bring people together from various backgrounds and walks of life.

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So that's the extent of what I knew about speaking in front of a microphone instead of speaking to an audience, a live audience of people.

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And so I went away and I said well, you know what?

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I've heard people talk about podcasts.

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I think I want to give it a try.

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So, kid you not, I found the cheapest.

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I ran to I think it was Best Buy.

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I found the cheapest microphone it had to be $ to 15 dollar microphone.

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I ran home, I plugged it into my computer and I just start talking.

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So if you go back to my podcast episode and go to the very, very first one, that's the very, very first, first one, that's the very, very first you know on the on the, on the wheels of that, preaching that sermon to that group of people in a secure location, from from that spot moving forward to sitting in front of a microphone in my office at home.

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That's when I started what had become known as podcasting.

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But I didn't.

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Podcasting was not the goal.

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The goal was the message.

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I was super, super excited about what I had to share and I knew that what I had to share was viable information and I knew that people needed to hear.

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At least, I felt very, very deeply that people needed to hear what was being offered.

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So I was driven by faith and I was driven by purpose, I was driven by meaning.

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But here's the catch I have a full time job, I have daughters, I have a son, I have even grandchildren at this stage in my life, and so time is is a luxury, and I simply sometimes don't have, because of my commitment to my family, our relationship to my wife, my career responsibilities, so the guilt of not being able to pursue that calling is very, very palpable for me.

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I don't know about you, but for me, if I'm not able to preach the word, if I don't get a chance to study the word, if I and mind you, I am a introvert by nature and so I can sit for hours in a room with books, reading and writing and and coming up with ideas and studying.

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This is, these are some of the practices that I thoroughly enjoy, and maybe you know I'm reminded of a.

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I don't know if you guys ever seen a movie, the Color Purple but I'm reminded of Sugar Avery being locked up in a room and she was in the home of at that time.

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It was Danny Glover, was the actual actor, and I can't remember the name, the name of Danny Glover, the name of the actor that Danny Glover played, the actual actor, and I can't remember the name, the name of the Danny Glover, the name of the actor that Danny Glover played in the color purple, but anyway, he, she was super mean to him, like super mean and he would just cook her dinner and slide it up under the door and in and she would like open the door and you wouldn't see it.

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But you see the door open and then the food goes it.

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But you see the door open and then the food goes sliding, push it in.

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He would like push it close to the door and then run away and then when she was done, she'd open the door, but you wouldn't see her.

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You just see the empty trinket with fork come flying across the hall room floor.

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So I'm kind of that person that I won't eat if I'm doing what I really, really love to do.

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So I find a lot of joy in preaching and teaching God's word and sharing that information with people that I think would value that information and use it.

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And, mind you, for over 20 plus years I spent my time standing in front of audiences on a Sunday morning or Sunday night or Wednesday evening or a midweek service or teaching at a college instructor.

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As a professor I ran the Center for Leadership Development at Tarrant County College that has over 20,000 students, so I'm used to standing in front of crowds and speaking to people, so it's very palpable for me when I'm not able to do that.

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So I see this medium of podcasting, and even video podcasting, as a part of me exercising my calling.

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So I find myself up late at night jotting down ideas, um, only to be, you know, exhausted the next day.

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Or, you know, making sure that I'm stopping and setting a uh timer on my cell phone when I hit 30 minutes to an hour to get up and go check on my son, to go check and see if my wife needs anything, or go check and make sure that I'm not being lax in my responsibilities.

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And I went through that.

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I'd go through that all the time, only to be exhausted the next day.

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So so the guilt of not pursuing if it feels like you're failing both at your personal calling and your responsibilities as a husband, a father and a grandfather.

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And I remember having a conversation with a mentor of mine who navigated the same water and the conversation was you know, I'm glad that, even though you serve in a capacity in the military where you actually are helping people get through very traumatic life experiences.

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I deal with a lot of young adults.

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I deal with people in high places of power and influence and authority.

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I'm a confidant to them, I'm trusted.

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I do marriage classes and marriage seminars and counseling groups and so I'm always in front of people.

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And I remember one of my mentors said to me you know you have to do in this thing that we do, and it's this calling of, of being a chaplain and serving people in the military and everything that goes along with that, leaving and being away from your family for long periods of times and then helping people to repair their family situations or disgruntled husband and wife about to.

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You know one person about to go on deployment and wife been at home for six to eight months alone with the kids.

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It's just you're constantly dealing with the negative side of the human experience.

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So being able to pull away and do the thing that you get that gives you energy, like teaching and preaching, is a critical part of your spiritual formation.

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And he said if you don't do that, it's almost like you will lose out on the sense of spirituality and connection you have with god, because you're you're preaching and teaching is what he said to me is also a spiritual discipline and so, but you still have to balance right.

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It's always a balancing act between you, your family responsibilities, your as a husband, as a father, as a grandfather, and then as an individual whom a lot of people depend on to provide help, to provide counseling, to provide guidance.

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You know when it is actually needed, when it is actually needed.

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So you have to learn how to integrate those worlds in a way that, in ways that hadn't been thought about, or sometimes it's really really not possible.

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So the more I thought about that, the more I thought about how much of a turning point that made for me.

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Number one is say, well, I, podcasting is great, I love it.

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Youtube is kind of, it's is not necessarily a priority, even though there's an audience that can be reached there, but there's a lot that goes with into it.

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And I'm telling you, you know, cameras in this stuff costs a lot of money.

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And uh, so when I started doing youtube, I was like, well, I'm sharing this information.

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But then the question comes back to me from some of my other business mentors is like, well, are you getting a return on your investment?

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And so for me, it not only was a, it was, it is a Number one, I would say it's a calling.

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Number two, I would say it's a hobby.

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But then number three is it's an expensive hobby.

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And so my business coaches and business people who do this for a living says, look, that's, that's, that's part of the creator economy.

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Like there are many people and ministers like yourself who are getting a return on that investment.

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And if you want to do this well, a long term, in a way that you're not taking, if you're going to take some of that time away from your family for your calling and trying to figure out how to balance that ministry, that you need to be giving back to your family in a way.

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And so then I was like, well, you know, it's, it's.

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I'm really not an expert like at that piece.

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Meaning, in the church world people gave tithes and offerings right, because not just for it, never just comes to the pastor.

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But there you know, building lights have to be paid and services have to be done, like services out into the community, buying clothing, people coming by randomly asking for money.

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The lights bills, light bill have to be, grass has to be cut, landscaping has to be taken care of.

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If you hire a secretary, that person has to be paid, right, so it goes into the total organization and then you are giving your time and money as well.

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So, just like the scripture says, jesus says a laborer's worth is higher.

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Matter of fact, in the Old Testament you guys probably know this, but I'll say it for those of you who don't know that the priest in the temple, their sole responsibility, was to care for the temple, not to have, not to be bivocational.

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So God commanded that they serve the people in the temple, and so it was a full operation of, you know, temple administration that was required.

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So in order for them to do that, they needed to have be paid, they needed to be reimbursed for the time and energy they put into it, just like any other job.

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And so when I realized that I have to be able to balance between the two, I had a talk with my wife and as well as other people and counselors, and just as a sounding board, and my wife is like, yeah, it's all good and dandy, right, and I put and I definitely support you, but understand, you have other responsibilities as well.

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So then I was like, well, I have to figure out a way to balance it.

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My calling and this is the same thing that I.

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That happened when I served as a pastor of several churches and assistant pastor and executive pastor.

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I worked at uh oak cliff bible fellowship with dr tony evans for a little while and some some other uh large churches and just great ministries and great mentorship that I received close up in from afar.

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But I learned that you can't let ministry affect your primary responsibilities or you have to learn how to balance the two.

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So, balance between ministry and family, balancing between your calling and your commitments, in between your calling and your commitments.

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It just really helped to create a new way of understanding how you have to balance ministry.

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So you can have the drive and desire, but you still have to be able to balance that and not give up your primary responsibilities.

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But more than that, I learned the value of setting boundaries right, that I cannot allow even podcast production to get in the way of my personal time with God.

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That and because that happened as well.

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And this is the problem when, when pastors and preachers and teachers and those who are in a local church or local parish who end up not handling their stress correctly and there that means different things for different people your priority is get out of whack and spending time with God in prayer and in meditation and letting God challenge your heart and change your heart so that your motives are correct, so that you don't lose sight of your own humanity and responsibility.

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Yes, the scripture verse is in 1 Corinthians and I'm like literally flipping to my bible right now but it the text talks about christian order, it talks about um, and even actually it's in ephesians let me go.

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It's in ephesians, right.

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And ephesians talks about how to live with your, your significant other, according to knowledge.

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Right, a husband ought to love their wives, as Christ loved the church.

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And the text also says right, a person who is single can give themselves totally, totally to God Ephesians 5.

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But a person who is married must be concerned about how he or she must also care for what is important to their significant others.

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Right, and this is when the scripture says live with your spouse according to knowledge, knowing what your spouse needs, knowing what your family needs, and take care of that as well.

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And so I learned how to create boundaries and I'll be honest with you guys, I'm not it's not totally that, but there were times when I'll sit up creating things and being in my production space because the time and energy.

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So not only do you have to, when we talk about production, podcast production, not only do you have to record number one, you have to.

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When we talk about production, podcast production, not only do you have to record number one, you have to have a message.

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So that's prayer time and preparation.

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Then you have to craft it in a way that makes sense to people, right, and then, and then you have to record it, and then, after you record it, you have to edit it.

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Then, after you record it, you have to edit it, then, after you edit it, you have to post it, and then, after you post it, you have to continue sharing it on social media platforms and through your community.

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So when you guys get emails from me, or if I say hey, make a comment, let me know what you think about this.

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Right, this is us creating community and I know that I have faithful listeners.

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I was actually one of my friends from Officer's Development School text me the other day and says hey, man, I've been listening to your podcast and I had no clue.

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He had been listening to the podcast, had no clue at all, and we have thousands I have over, had no clue at all, and we have thousands.

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I have over 90 000 views on youtube and we have over what five, five to fifty, two hundred downloads or something like that.

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So I don't know everyone that's watching or listening, okay, but what I'm saying is that it takes time and energy.

00:22:23.131 --> 00:22:48.633
But when I'm done with that, all of that that I just explained to you, and I walk back into the room and my wife is sitting there waiting for me to talk, to engage, well, my son is sitting downstairs by himself, or he's in the room entertaining himself instead of spending time, me spending time with him.

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That's when it hits you in the gut Like, oh man, you know, so this is, this is me learning how to prioritize.

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Um, every moment needs to be productive, uh, and it won't be in a traditional sense.

00:23:01.127 --> 00:23:18.385
Sometimes I learned that the best content comes through living the very life um you're you're trying to share with others, and so that's really what inspired me to to share this podcast with you guys today is that I wanted to peel back the onion.

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Peel, look, peel, pull back the curtain so y'all can see, like outside of all the stuff that you see on social media and all the podcasts that you're listening to.

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There's a lot of work that goes into that and I'm not at the place where I can hire a bunch of people to do things.

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Right now I'm just not.

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Hopefully, I believe one day we'll get there, but that's when I have to like allow the Lord to direct my path.

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The steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord and sometimes I can't give myself totally to these processes.

00:23:51.576 --> 00:23:58.913
I have to let God have God's way, right, you have to let God have God's way in your life.

00:23:58.913 --> 00:23:59.465
So so some.

00:23:59.465 --> 00:24:01.958
This is why I'm sharing this, because this is part of the challenge that we experience when you're trying to in your life.

00:24:01.958 --> 00:24:02.179
So so some.

00:24:02.179 --> 00:24:09.887
This is why I'm sharing this, because this is part of the challenge that that we experienced when you're trying to fulfill your calling, but also you have other responsibilities.

00:24:09.887 --> 00:24:19.230
So so life is is full of of faith, is full of love, full of yes, and it's full of the mundane every day.

00:24:19.230 --> 00:24:20.573
Do it again.

00:24:20.573 --> 00:24:42.355
For me to produce a podcast every two weeks feels like every week, right, because there's a lease on a minimum 20 to 30 hours to go into the completion of a video podcast, and that's because the videos have to be edited right.

00:24:42.355 --> 00:24:53.707
There's a lot that goes into that, right, but then on the audio is also takes, at least I would say, 15 to 17 hours to produce a podcast episode.

00:24:53.707 --> 00:24:56.349
That's if you do it right, okay.

00:24:58.393 --> 00:25:04.601
So I would say to anyone struggling with this balance know that you are not alone.

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Your calling is important and what God spoke to you does need to come to pass.

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You just have to find your priorities, get into your zone, figure out how it works best with you and your family.

00:25:22.115 --> 00:25:40.936
If you don't have a family, you still need to have a rhythm and priority so that you can, while you're getting up and going because you won't have a lot of things, I'll be, you know I'll be the first person to tell you I took on some debt when I first started this, right, but I knew that I was to end.

00:25:40.936 --> 00:25:42.851
I ended up spending a little bit more than I wanted to.

00:25:42.851 --> 00:25:54.144

00:25:54.144 --> 00:25:58.632
The calling came, but then also the equipment came.

00:25:58.632 --> 00:26:02.424
Can I get amen, right?

00:26:02.424 --> 00:26:04.912
So, yes, your calling is important.

00:26:04.912 --> 00:26:06.324
No, you're not confused.

00:26:06.324 --> 00:26:14.613
You just have to learn how to balance, and so you have to know your role.

00:26:14.613 --> 00:26:17.146
You have to still work.

00:26:17.146 --> 00:26:19.799
If you have a job that's supporting your hobby.

00:26:20.560 --> 00:26:30.445
It's okay to to take it one step at a time, to find your rhythm, sometimes to let one aspect take precedent over the other.

00:26:30.445 --> 00:26:35.723
Sometimes you have to remember that you know the world is not going to fall and that god is not.

00:26:35.723 --> 00:26:44.403
The word of god won't stop because you can't produce an episode on time or because you don't have the right equipment.

00:26:44.403 --> 00:26:58.311
No, I remember sitting in a hotel room on travel and all I had was my cell phone, natural lighting from outside and a little MV.

00:26:58.311 --> 00:27:01.922
It's a little microphone, it's an MV88, a short MV88.

00:27:01.922 --> 00:27:05.789
And I produced a whole video podcast from that.

00:27:05.789 --> 00:27:06.791

00:27:06.791 --> 00:27:08.983
Sometimes you just work with what you have.

00:27:09.666 --> 00:27:18.211
Remember, the impact of your content isn't measured by the quantity, but the quality and the sincerity behind it.

00:27:18.211 --> 00:27:29.567
Right, whether you're reaching a thousand people or just one, it's all about if your heart is in it, if your heart is your heart in it.

00:27:29.567 --> 00:27:32.107
Are you doing it for the right reasons?

00:27:32.107 --> 00:27:33.807
Are you doing it for the right purpose?

00:27:33.807 --> 00:27:46.355
So there's a lesson to be learned from balancing your family, your work and your calling and to enrich your content in ways that nothing else will.

00:27:46.355 --> 00:27:52.113
And so you'll learn a lot through this process of creating content.

00:27:53.240 --> 00:28:01.711
And just a word to preachers and teachers and ministers out there, there are a lot of people coming from churches who don't have a platform.

00:28:01.711 --> 00:28:10.039
In other words, they feel they have a calling, they have something to share, but the church doesn't provide them the avenue.

00:28:10.039 --> 00:28:12.807
I want to encourage you to consider podcasting.

00:28:12.807 --> 00:28:14.090
I really really do.

00:28:14.090 --> 00:28:26.412
It can really be a blessing to you and it can really help you fulfill that, that void that you have in your life that sometimes the church doors are just not open.

00:28:26.412 --> 00:28:29.346
Uh to to you, right?

00:28:29.346 --> 00:28:35.162
So I want to encourage you to consider podcasting and I want to encourage you to to seek god.

00:28:35.162 --> 00:28:37.467
Let god lead you through this process.

00:28:37.467 --> 00:28:44.663
You don't have to do it alone and if you have questions, you can reach out to me and I'll be more than more than happy to to reach back to you.

00:28:44.663 --> 00:28:47.990
But I want you to keep the faith, embrace the journey.

00:28:47.990 --> 00:28:49.141
That's the big lesson.

00:28:49.141 --> 00:28:55.800
Know that you have a unique voice and a unique story and that you can inspire people to change.

00:28:55.800 --> 00:28:58.529
One day, one moment, one listener.

00:28:58.529 --> 00:29:00.664
That's how I have to.

00:29:00.986 --> 00:29:01.788
I focused on it.

00:29:01.788 --> 00:29:03.746
I remember my YouTube page.

00:29:03.746 --> 00:29:12.588
I only had 24 subscribers Now I have over 500 or something, but I had 24 and the Lord spoke to me and said you need to appreciate the 24.

00:29:12.588 --> 00:29:17.372
So I made a podcast episode on YouTube just for 24 subscribers.

00:29:17.372 --> 00:29:24.671
Now, obviously, it didn't stay at 24, but at that time right, you're wondering how effective am I?

00:29:24.671 --> 00:29:26.301
Are people listening to what I have to say?

00:29:26.301 --> 00:29:29.776
Then the Lord told me you just need to be grateful for where you are.

00:29:30.157 --> 00:29:31.321
So it's about the journey.

00:29:31.321 --> 00:29:35.171
It's about the journey that you have a voice.

00:29:35.171 --> 00:29:37.257
That's not about a destination.

00:29:37.257 --> 00:29:43.636
Oh, when I get to a thousand subscribers, oh, when I get to 5,000, oh, when I get to 10,000, well, guess what?

00:29:43.636 --> 00:29:53.586
When you get to 10,000, you're going to want to have 20 and you're going to feel bad because you don't have 20, because you're putting a lot of work in, as other people have a lot more than you and do very little of the work.

00:29:53.586 --> 00:29:54.647
Guess what?

00:29:54.647 --> 00:29:57.431
There's always going to be room for growth.

00:29:57.431 --> 00:30:03.042
So I just want to just be honest and share this thought with you guys.

00:30:03.182 --> 00:30:07.971
Uh, please, uh, continue to listen to the podcast.

00:30:07.971 --> 00:30:16.730
I think those of you who are listening shout out to um, uh, carrie, uh, carrie j blessings to you.

00:30:16.730 --> 00:30:24.369
See, I'm thinking about other people that have reached out to me my friend Abulo, man from from training school.

00:30:24.369 --> 00:30:28.724
Thank you for listening, my Kathleen.

00:30:28.724 --> 00:30:30.832
Thank you so much, family, for listening.

00:30:30.832 --> 00:30:34.529
Many others out there Send me a note, let me know.

00:30:34.529 --> 00:30:36.007
Hey, I listen to the podcast.

00:30:36.007 --> 00:30:37.424
Thank you so much.

00:30:37.424 --> 00:30:51.910
You know, um, for those you who are are listening, I really appreciate it and, uh, I try to get my podcasts out every other tuesday, so the next one will come.

00:30:51.950 --> 00:30:53.854
This podcast is actually coming out.

00:30:53.854 --> 00:30:56.184
Um, what's today's date?

00:30:56.184 --> 00:31:00.220
Today's day is the third, so this podcast is actually should be out on.

00:31:00.220 --> 00:31:17.075
The ninth is when you should be listening to this, at least initially, and that's when it will release, and so, uh, this is not a video, so this is only for people on the podcast, because I want my listeners, you, I want you to know I appreciate you and that everything is not.

00:31:17.075 --> 00:31:23.692
If you know people who are on YouTube who don't follow the audio podcast, they won't hear this, but my listeners will.

00:31:23.731 --> 00:31:28.229
So, thanks to you, let me pray for you, god, I just thank you for every single listener.

00:31:28.229 --> 00:31:46.693
I don't know what they're going through, I don't know what life is giving them, but I pray that you will encourage them right with y'all, that the words we share today will inspire them, that there's someone out there who needed to have just a discussion and conversation with someone who would listen to them.

00:31:46.693 --> 00:31:54.513
God, just continue to provide for us, for you are our source and strength, our very present help in time of need.

00:31:54.513 --> 00:31:56.506
So thank you for our time together today.

00:31:56.506 --> 00:31:57.809
Thank you for the people who are listening.

00:31:57.809 --> 00:31:58.981
I pray blessings over them in the name you for our time together today.

00:31:58.981 --> 00:31:59.038
Thank you for the people who are listening.

00:31:59.038 --> 00:32:01.789
I pray blessings over them in the name of Christ, our Lord, amen.

00:32:02.300 --> 00:32:05.464
Well, guys, that's all for today's episode, for the words for change.

00:32:05.464 --> 00:32:12.884
Hope this conversation has been enlightening for you and it's been as it has been for me, and encouraging to me.

00:32:12.884 --> 00:32:23.534
And so, until next time, keep striving, keep believing, keep creating, and just know that nothing changes until you change first.

00:32:23.534 --> 00:32:24.423
Thanks for tuning in.

00:32:24.423 --> 00:32:25.509
God bless you.

00:32:25.509 --> 00:32:29.160
See you for the next episode, peace, thank you.

00:32:29.160 --> 00:32:29.299